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【外事“十个一”】优秀作品展:英文演讲Interpretation and Suggestions on Health

来源:青岛外事学校 发布时间:2021-01-18 10:12

Topic题目:Interpretation and Suggestions on Health
Name姓名:Wang Yulu 王瑜璐

Health refers to a person in physical, mental and social aspects are in good condition. Health includes two aspects: first, the main organs have no disease, the body shape is well developed, the body shape is uniform, the human body system has good physiological function, strong physical activity ability and labor ability, which is the most basic requirement for health; Second, it has strong resistance to diseases, and can adapt to environmental changes, various physiological stimuli and the role of pathogenic factors on the body. Modern people's health includes: physical health, mental health, mental health, social health, intellectual health, moral health, environmental health, etc. Health is the first wealth of life.

What do you think are good habits for your health? I think there is a habit of sticking to exercise, keeping healthy work and rest habits, keeping healthy eating habits, paying attention to work and rest, and doing regular physical examination.

供稿:2020级应用韩语高职班 王瑜璐



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